
Zilla Parishad

Formation/Hierarchy of the Zilla Parishad.

The Zilla Parishad is organized in three tiers.

1st Tier: Zilla Parishad

The function of the Zilla Parishad – It functions according to the provisions accorded in the Maharashtra Zilla Parishad Panchayat Samitee Bylaws, 1961

2nd Tier: Panchayat Samitee

It also follows the provisions of Maharashtra Zilla Parishad Panchayat Samitee Bylaws, 1961 for its functioning.

3rd Tier: Grampanchayat

It follows the rules & regulations as given in the Maharashtra Grampanchayat Bylaws, 1958.

73rd Amendment of Constitution.

As per the Directives of the Panchayat Raj Law, The constitution was amended for the 73rd time on 20thApril, 1993. According to Article 243(J), the Panchayat Raj Sansthan has been given the authority to levy taxes & recover the same for economic development and social justice.

The 73rd amendment act gave a constitutional status to the Panchayat Raj along with the Gram Sabha. According, the number of members of the Gram Sabha will depend on the local population. The amendment does away with the nomination & associate membership methods of choosing its members. It promotes ballot voting on the basis of adult franchise.

Three Tiers Composition

  • Zilla Parishad Level

  • President                                               Chief Executive Officer
  • Vice President                                        Additional Chief Executive Officer
  • Chairman of Subject Committee              Name of Divisional Head
  • Members of Subject Committee               Project Directors
  • Deputy CEO (GAD/Water Sanitation/Child Welfare)
  • Chief Account & Finance Officer
  • Education Officer (Primary/Secondary/continuous education)
  • Executive Engineer (Building & Construction no. 1,2,3)
  • Executive Engineer (Irrigation East/West)
  • Executive Engineer (Rural Water Supply)
  • Agriculture Development Officer
  • District Animal Husbundary Conservation Officer
  • District Health Officer
  • District Social Welfare Officer
  • Deputy Engineer, GSDA – Mechanical
  • Panchayat Samitee

  • Chairman                                           Block Development Officer (BDO)
  • Deputy Chairman                                Assistant Block Development Officer
  • Members of the Panchayat                  Deputy Engineer
  • (Minor Irrigation/Building & Construction/Water Supply)
  • Child Development & Project Officer
  • Block Education Officer
  • Extension Officer (Panchayat)
  • Taluka Medical Officer
  • Gram Panchayat

  • Sarpanch                                             Rural Development Officer
  • Upa-sarpanch                                      Gram Sevak
  • (Deputy Sarpanch)
  • Members of Grampanchayat             Primary Teacher
  • Multipurpose Worker
  • Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
  • Animal Husbandry Supervisor
  • Anganwadi Worker
  • Anganwadi Helper

Official Website of Zilla Parishad Nashik ->