
Right To Service

The Maharashtra State Commission For Right To Service

The Maharashtra Right to Public Service Act, 2015 is a revolutionary Act. This Act provides that the citizens shall be provided services by the State Government in a transparent, efficient and time bound manner. In order to ensure effective implementation of this Act, the Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Service has been established. This commission is headed by the State Chief Commissioner for Right to Service Shri. Swadheen Kshatriya, who was formerly the Chief Secretary of Maharashtra State.

Citizens can get complete information regarding which services are available under this Act by accessing either the mobile app RTS Maharashtra or ‘Aaple Sarkar’ Web Portal. Citizens can even apply online for availing these services. In case of a delay in providing the services or denial of the services without adequate justification, citizens can file first Appeal and second Appeal with senior officers within the department and third and final Appeal can be filed before this commission.

RTS Gazzete RTS Online portal Aaple Sarkar RTS Notification RTS Approach, Methodology & Public awareness RTS Presentation Aaple Sarkar Seva Kendra List

Maharashtra State Service Rights Commission, Nashik Divisional Office, Nashik

Commissioner : Smt. Chitra Kulkarni
Address : ‘Singhgad’, Government Rest House, Near Golf Club, Nashik-422 002
Telephone : 0253-2995080
Email ID : rtsc[dot]nashik[at]gmail[dot]com

If the service is not received from the Designated Officer or within the stipulated time and if the first and second appeals are not adjudicated, the applicant may file an appeal within 60 days from the date of receipt of the second application in Form V as per 18(1) of the Act.